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101. DaRWIN and disaster Plan

The setup of a disaster plan requires the possibility to define a revovery priority for each specimen.

A specific field named "Disaster recovery score" allows to define this prioritisation.
It is associated with the Insurance value which could also used as a prioritisation criteria.

The "Disaster recovery score" has 4 values related to the recovery scenarios:

  • 1 Highest priority (e.g. Type specimens and other unique specimens which can not be replaced)
  • 2 High priority (e.g. Specimens from Red List and CITES species wich can not easily replaced) 
  • 3 Medium priority (e.g. Specimens with important scientific values or rich associated metadata)
  • 4 Low priority (e.g. Specimens wich can easily replaced or with poor associated metadata)

The scale criteria can be adapted following the collection specificities.

The specimens can be search following the "Disaster recovery score" allowing to create specific lists or to prepare a new organisation of the collection.